Square in Lviv
- 700-richia Lvova (from 1956)
- Adama Mitskevycha (from 1944)
- Vasylia Vyshyvanoho (from 1993)
- Vicheva (from 1990)
- Halytska (from 1944)
- Henerala Hryhorenka (from 1993)
- Danyla Halytskoho (from 1946)
- Dvirtseva (from 1993)
- Yevhena Malaniuka (from 1993)
- Yevhena Petrushevycha (from 1992)
- Zvenyhorodska (from 1950)
- Ivana Pidkovy (from 1946)
- ploshcha Ivana Franka (from 1950)
- Katedralna Sq. (from 1991)
- Kniazia Sviatoslava (from 1993)
- Koliivshchyny (from 1950)
- Lypneva (from 1944)
- Marka Kropyvnytskoho (from 1944)
- Markiiana Shashkevycha (from 1991)
- Mytna (from 1990)
- Muzeina (from 1993)
- Rynok (from 1944)
- Rizni (from 1944)
- Sviatoho Teodora (from 1991)
- Sviatoho Yura (from 1991)
- Soborna (from 1993)
- Staryi Rynok (from 1944)
- Stefana Yavorskoho (from 1992)
- Yaroslava Osmomysla (from 1993)
- Adolf Hitler Ring (from 1942 till 1944)
- Akademipliats (from 1941 till 1944)
- Alter Ringpliats (from 1943 till 1944)
- Banhofspliats (from 1941 till 1944)
- Beringpliats (from 1943 till 1944)
- Bernhardpliats (from 1941 till 1944)
- Burgpliats (from 1941 till 1944)
- De Witte Pliats (from 1943 till 1944)
- Dicasterial Pliats pl (from 1774 till 1871)
- Dominikanerpliats (from 1941 till 1944)
- Domkapitelpliats, pliats Katedralny, pliats Kapitulny pl (from 1828 till 1941)
- Fabrikpliats (from 1943 till 1944)
- Ganzepliats (from 1941 till 1944)
- Georgpliats (from 1941 till 1944)
- Germanenpliats (from 1943 till 1944)
- Getraidemarkt (from 1943 till 1944)
- Gorlitserpliats (from 1943 till 1944)
- Gwardyi Narodowej (from 1898 till 1939)
- Halichpliats (from 1941 till 1944)
- Holtsmarkt pl (from 1844 till 1871)
- Jagiellonska (from 1871 till 1885)
- Yuden Plats pl (from early 19th c. till 1871)
- Kapitolpliats (from 1941 till 1944)
- Kazimiezha Vyelkiego (from [unknown] till 1933)
- Kliajner Markt (from 1943 till 1944)
- Klopperuvplats / Klopperhofplats (from 1941 till 1944)
- Krakauerpliats (from 1941 till 1944)
- Lindenholtsgasse (from 1943 till 1944)
- Ludvig Zandpliats (from 1943 till 1944)
- Maria Shneepliats (from 1943 till 1944)
- Marienpliats (from 1941 till 1944)
- pl. Klyopperuv (from 1933 till 1941)
- pliats Akademitski (from 1871 till 1941)
- pliats Artsybiskupi (from 1870 till 1871)
- pliats Bandurskiego Vladyslava (from 1933 till 1942)
- pliats Benedyktynski (from the early 19th century till 1950)
- pliats Bernardynski de (from 1650 till 1941)
- pliats Boleslava Prusa (from 1938 till 1943)
- pliats Castrum (from 1840 till 1871)
- pliats Tsehovy (from 1913 till 1943)
- pliats Horonshchyzny (from 1828 till 1892)
- pliats Tslovy (from the late 19th century till 1933)
- pliats Dombrovskiego Vatslava (from 1892 till 1941)
- pliats Dominikanski de (from the 18th century till 1941)
- pliats Ferdinanda pl (from 1843 till 1862)
- pliats Frantsisheka Smolki (from 1885 till 1940)
- Plac Francyskański de (from [unknown] till 1898)
- pliats Generala Kruka (from 1936 till 1943)
- pliats Golukhovskikh (from 1865 till 1941)
- pliats Hustava Dreshera-Orlicha (from 1936 till 1943)
- pliats Halitski (from 18th century till 1941)
- pliats Jablonovskiego S.J. (from 1933 till 1941)
- pliats Jezuitski (from [unknown] till 1871)
- pliats Yuzefa Bema (from 1885 till 1943)
- pliats Yuzefa Bilchevskiego (from 1941 till 1941)
- pliats Krakovski (from 1840 till 1941)
- pliats Mariatski (from 1862 till 1941)
- pliats Marii Sniezhnei (from the 18th century till 1943)
- pliats Misjonarski (from 1871 till 1945)
- pliats Mushtry (from 1844 till 1871)
- pliats Nad Peltvjo (from [unknown] till mid 19th c.)
- pliats Nowej Bozhnitsy (from 1863 till 1871)
- pliats Pod sv. Yurem (from the 18th century till the early 19th century)
- pliats Pomisjonarski (from [unknown] till 1796)
- pliats Rynek (from the 14th century till 1941)
- pliats Zhezni (from mid 19th c. till 1943)
- piats Soliarni (from 1871 till 1916)
- pliats Solskikh (from 1871 till 1892)
- pliats Solskikh de (from 1778 till 1819)
- pliats Stary Rynek (from 1871 till 1943)
- pliats Stsheliecki (from 1871 till 1941)
- pliats sv. Dukha (from 1821 till 1941)
- pliats sv. Yana (from 1853 till 1871)
- pliats sv. Yura de (from the early 19th century till 1941)
- plats sv. Zofii (from 1871 till 1941)
- pliats Trybunalski (from 1871 till 1933)
- pliats Unii Bzheskiej (from 1898 till 1943)
- pliats Veksliarski (from 1871 till 1943)
- Vudro Vilsona (from 1933 till 1940)
- pliats Zbozhovy (from 1892 till 1943)
- pliats Zbroiovni (from [unknown] till 1841)
- Ringpliats (from 1941 till 1944)
- Ritterpliats (from 1941 till 1944)
- Sakramentek pliats (from [unknown] till 1871)
- Zaltsmarkt pl (from the middle of 19th century till 1865)
- Shlahthofpliats (from 1943 till 1944)
- Smolkipliats (from 1941 till 1944)
- Zofienplats (from 1941 till 1944)
- Shtatsionspliats (from 1875 till 1933)
- st Dukha de (from 1618 till 1821)
- Targovitsa soliana (from 1840 till the middle of 19 century)
- Targovitsa dzheva budultsovego (from 1818 till [unknown])
- Targovitsa dzhewa opalovego (from 1840 till 1844)
- Targovitsa konska (from 1796 till 1844)
- Targovitsa zbozhova (from 1819 till 1871)
- Teatrpliats (from 1941 till 1944)
- Vekhslerpliats (from 1943 till 1944)
- Vrublientsa (from 1579 till 1818)
- Tsehengasse (from 1943 till 1944)
- Tsollpliats (from 1942 till 1944)
- Varshavska pl de (from 1920s till 1950s)
- Medova (from 1945 till 1950s)
- pl. Klyopperiv (from 1944 till 1946)
- pl. Telmana (from 1946 till [unknown])
- 17 Veresnia (from 1940 till 1941)
- 300-richia Vozziednannia (from 1954 till 1993)
- Akademichna (from 1944 till about 1955)
- Bernardynska (from 1945 till 1946)
- Bernardynska (from 1944 till 1945)
- Bohdana Khmelnytskoho (from 1950 till 1991)
- Boleslava Prusa (from 1944 till 1950)
- Bugrova (from 1945 till 1963)
- Veksliarska (from 1944 till 1950)
- Vicheva (from 1950 till 1980s)
- Vladyslava Bandurskoho (from 1944 till 1946)
- Vozzyednannia (from 1946 till 1993)
- Vokzalna (from 1946 till 1993)
- Vokzalna (from 1940 till 1941)
- Vudro Vilsona (from 1944 till 1946)
- Henerala Kruka (from 1944 till 1945)
- Holukhovskykh (from 1944 till 1944)
- Hustava Dreshera-Orlicha (from 1944 till 1946)
- Dombrovskoho V. (from 1944 till 1950)
- Dombrovskoho Y. (from 1950 till 1993)
- Dominikanska (from 1944 till 1945)
- Dominikanska (from 1945 till 1946)
- Dukha (from 1945 till 1946)
- Zbozhova (from 1944 till 1946)
- Zernova (from 1946 till 1964)
- Ivana Michurina (from 1945 till 1945)
- Cherniakhovskoho Ivana (from 1945 till 1945)
- Kapitulna Sq (from 1944 till 1950)
- Krakivska (from 1944 till 1954)
- Maksyma Zalizniaka (from 1945 till 1945)
- Marjatska (from 1944 till 1944)
- Mariyi Snizhnoyi (from 1944 till 1950)
- Ploshcha Melnychuka (from 1964 till 1991)
- Mykoly Ostrovskoho (from 1946 till 1972)
- Narodnoi Hvardii imeni Ivana Franka (from 1957 till 1992)
- Patriotiv (from 1945 till 1993)
- Peremohy (from 1946 till 1993)
- Radianska (from 1946 till 1990)
- Rozy Liuksemburh (from 1950 till 1991)
- sv. Dukha (from 1944 till 1945)
- Sviatoho Yura (from 1944 till 1950)
- Ploshcha Sofii (from 1944 till 1944)
- Stavropihiiska Sq (from 1946 till 1993)
- Striletska Sq (from 1944 till 1946)
- Ploshcha Timiriazieva (from 1944 till [unknown])
- Torhova (from 1944 till 1991)
- Trybunalska (from 1944 till 1957)
- Unii Bzheskoi (from 1944 till 1944)
- Frantsisheka Smolky (from 1944 till 1946)
- Frantsisheka Smolky (from 1941 till 1941)
- Tsentralna (from 1950 till 1991)
- Ploshcha Shashkevycha (from 1944 till 1964)
- Yuzefa Bema (from 1944 till 1946)
- Yuzefa Bilchevskoho (from 1944 till 1944)
- Yaroslava Halana (from 1972 till 1992)
- Yaroslava Mudroho (from 1946 till 1993)
- pliats sv. Teodora pl (from 1801 till 1950)