The streets of Lviv
- Moniuszki (from 1892 till 1941)
- Monopoliova (from 1933 till 1946)
- Morska (from 1936 till 1943)
- Mostsitskiego (from 1929 till 1934)
- Mosienzhna (from 1871 till 1885)
- Mostova (from 1934 till 1943)
- Motorgasse (from 1943 till 1944)
- Motsartgasse (from 1943 till 1944)
- Mulen Gasse pl (from [unknown] till 1863)
- Miullera Yuzefa (from 1931 till 1934)
- Miullerhofgasse (from 1943 till 1944)
- Miulleruvka (from 1934 till 1943)
- Murarska (from 1871 till 1935)
- Murovanе Mosty de (from 1659 till 1863)
- Museumshtrasse (from 1941 till 1942)
- Mydliarska (from 1871 till 1885)
- Na Bajkah (from 1871 till 1942)
- Na Blonie (from 1871 till 1934)
- Na Blonie bochna (from 1927 till 1933)
- Na Boisko (from 1931 till 1943)
- Na Tsetneruvtse (from [unknown] till 1871)
- Na tsvertsiakh (from 1933 till 1946)
- Na chatakh (from 1933 till 1946)
- Na Debrakh (from 1871 till 1933)
- Na Kopiets (from 1869 till 1871)
- Na Korytah bochna (from [unknown] till 1871)
- Na Nivy (from 1933 till ~1944)
- Na Opotse (from [unknown] till 1938)
- Na Skalce (from 1871 till 1943)
- Na Torfy (from 1929 till 1943)
- Na Valie (from 1801 till [unknown])
- Na Vertepah (from 1933 till 1938)
- Na Vultse (from 1911 till 1929)
- Na vykopakh (from 1933 till 1950)
- Nabieliaka (from 1895 till 1942)
- Nad yarem (from 1929 till 1944)
- Nad Zrodlem (from 1933 till 1946)
- Nadbzhezhna (from 1931 till 1945)
- Nahirnygasse (from 1943 till 1944)
- Nalench-Skalkovskiego (from 1938 till 1943)
- Narbutta Ludwika (from 1934 till 1944)
- Nelkenshtrasse (from 1941 till 1944)
- Nentskiego M. (from 1913 till 1944)
- Noj Lembergershtrasse (from 1943 till 1944)
- Noje Gasse pl (from 1795 till 1871)
- Noye Yuden Gasse pl (from 1795 till 1871)
- Neue Welt Gasse (from 1840 till 1871)
- Noye Velt Zayten Gasse pl (from [unknown] till 1871)
- Noigebauera M. (from 1932 till 1936)
- Nojmana (from 1936 till 1942)
- Nojmanshtrasse (from 1942 till 1943)
- Nietsala (from 1898 till 1934)
- Nietsala (from 1931 till 1934)
- Nietsala (from 1933 till 1938)
- Niemtsevicha Yuliana (from 1895 till 1943)
- Nieviadomskiego S. (from 1936 till 1943)
- Nikoliausshtrasse (from 1941 till 1944)
- Nikoliausveg (from 1844 till 1851)
- Nikorovicha Y. (from 1895 till 1941)
- Nilskiego-Lapinskiego S. (from 1937 till 1943)
- Nomadenshtrasse (from 1941 till 1944)
- Nonnengasse (from [unknown] till 1871)
- Norwida (from 1933 till 1943)
- Nowa (from 1901 till 1913)
- Nova (from [unknown] till 1934)
- Nova (from 1930 till 1931)
- Nova (from 1934 till 1936)
- Nova bochna (from 1931 till 1931)
- Nova droga (from 1891 till 1893)
- Novakovskiego Aleksy (from 1936 till 1943)
- Novey Zhezni (from 1901 till 1944)
- Novozniesenska (from 1933 till 1943)
- Nowy Świat (from 1913 till 1943)
- Novy Sviat (from 1871 till 1886)
- Novy Sviat pshechnitsa (from 1863 till 1871)
- Nusbaum-Hilarovicha (from 1936 till 1946)
- Nussgasse (from 1943 till 1944)
- Obere Armenier Gasse pl (from the late 18th century till 1871)
- Obere Bernardiner Gasse pl (from the early 19th century till 1871)
- Khoronshchyzna vyzhsha pl (from 1825 till 1871)
- Obere Karl Ludwig Shtrasse pl (from 1855 till 1871)
- Obere Lichakover Gasse pl (from the late 16th century till 1871)
- Obere Sieniawczyzna Gasse pl (from 1840 till 1871)
- Obertinergasse (from 1942 till 1944)
- Obertynska (from 1907 till 1942)
- Obyazd (from 1871 till 1936)
- Obminskiego Tadeusza (from 1934 till 1946)
- Obozova (from 1901 till 1941)
- Obrontsuv Lvova (from 1938 till 1943)
- Obrontsuv Lvova (from 1928 till 1934)
- Obrontsuv Lvova (from 1935 till 1938)
- Obrony Dvortsa (from 1928 till 1943)
- Obrony Lvova (from 1938 till 1940)
- Obvodova (from 1913 till 1945)
- Ohronek (from 1871 till 1943)
- Odeonstrasse (from 1941 till 1942)
- Odrovunzhuv (from 1936 till 1943)
- Ofitserska (from 1928 till 1943)
- Ogonovskih (from 1933 till 1944)
- Ogurkova (from 1871 till 1944)